INFO : renovations are scheduled by the electricity network concessionaire near Montpellier Méditerranée Airport. We invite you to anticipate your arrival. 

Click here for more information.

Sustainable development

Everything about Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport’s commitment to sustainable development and the fight against all forms of pollution. 

Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport (AMM) has been committed to environmental protection for over 20 years, obtaining ISO 14001 certification in 2004.

Sustainable development

The aim of Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport is to reconcile its development with the consideration of its environmental impacts.

As part of its "AMBITION 2026" strategy, AMM's main objectives are to :

  • Reduce carbon footprint and improve air quality 
  • Preserve the quality of life of local residents
  • Preserve biodiversity, the natural environment and natural resources

Action is being taken in this respect at AMM, but also with the platform's 3,000 employees and 1,500 students.

Reducing carbon footprint

In order to combat global warming, Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport has chosen to commit to a "Low Carbon" approach as of 2021 through the ACA - Airport Carbon Accreditation programme.

This programme, which includes more than 550 airports worldwide, is composed of 5 levels of accreditation to encourage and achieve Net Zero Emissions.

This approach impacts and mobilises not only the Airport but also the 50 partners present on the Montpellier airport platform.

Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport’s objective today is to : 

  • Reduce its direct greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2026
  • Achieve carbon neutrality with offsetting by 2030
  • Achieve "zero net emissions" of greenhouse gases by 2050

Find more information about Program ACA  Accreditated airports

To do this, an ambitious action plan is underway:

  • Control energy consumption:
    1. Improving centralised technical management (CTM) and energy consumption habits 
    2. Installing geothermal energy for heating and cooling 
    3. Developing self-consumption photovoltaic systems 
    4. Electrifiying aircraft stands: providing “Electricity and Air Conditioning” to parked commercial aircraft 
    5. Aquiring renewable energy and biogas  
    6. Sustainable energy production via an existing photovoltaic plant: production of 6MWh compared with 5MWh of consumption (SA AMM + certain platform partners.   
  • Develop soft modes:
    1. Renewing the airport vehicle fleet 
    2. Deploying electric charging points for passengers, hub companies, employees and taxis  
    3. Installing soft paths and bicycle parking facilities 
    4. Making public transport safer and more diverse 

Taking action to improve air quality

As well as taking Greenhouse Gases (GHG) into account, the Airport is also mindful of its impact on air quality.

To this end, the Airport, in partnership with Atmo Occitanie, carries out :

  1. outdoor and indoor air measurement campaigns (since 2003)
  2. inventories of atmospheric pollutant and GHG emissions
  3. pollutant concentration maps

There has been a steady decline since 2003 in the concentrations observed in both indoor and ambient air.

These data and analyses of the results are available on the Atmo Occitanie website :

Atmo Occitanie website

Preserving the quality of life of local residents

Aware that its development can only take place in perfect integration with its territory, the airport has been committed since the 2000s to a process of consultation with the stakeholders concerned, in particular the local authorities and residents. 

To achieve this, measures have been implemented in consultation with the stakeholders, in order to : 

  1. Limit noise at source
  2. Control the number of light aviation movements
  3. Improve existing flight paths
  4. Limit training slots
  5. Train and raise awareness
  6. Facilitate consultation


For all requests for information or complaints about noise pollution, contact the Airport via its One Stop Shop service :
Telephone answering machine : +33 (0)4 67 20 86 99

Preserving biodiversity

Montpellier-Méditerranée airport is located on the north-western shore of the Etang de l’Or lagoon, which is part of the Natura 2000 network under the European Birds (Special Protection Area FR9112017) and Habitats (Special Area of Conservation FR9101408) Directives).

The platform covers 470 hectares, including 270 hectares of unsuspected biodiversity in the form of large natural areas such as Mediterranean meadows, Mediterranean salt meadows and sansouïres (salt marshes), which provide an important migratory stopover for birds in transit, as well as a year-round stopover for sedentary species.

Measures have been taken to protect the more vulnerable species :

  1. Installing beehives
  2. Providing shelters for small terrestrial fauna (reptiles, hedgehogs)
  3. Refurbishing a dilapidated building and installing nesting boxes for nocturnal flying species (barn owl, scops owl and bats)
  4. Reconstructing "rocky island" habitats (white stilt, little tern)

Measures have been taken to protect the more vulnerable species:  

  1. Installing beehives
  2. Providing shelters for small terrestrial fauna (reptiles, hedgehogs) 
  3. Refurbishing a dilapidated building and installing nesting boxes for nocturnal flying species (barn owl, scops owl and bats) 
  4. Reconstructing "rocky island" habitats (white stilt, little tern) 

The airfield numbers

  • 200
    plant species
  • 100
    bird species
  • 40
    butterfly species
  • 20
    bat species
  • 10
    mammal species

Preserving the natural environment

Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport has a duty to protect its natural environment from discharges (groundwater and surface water) and pollution risks.

To achieve this, the airport is taking action on several fronts :


  • « Zero phyto » policy:

    The introduction of a « Zero Phyto » policy several years ago

    ecriture zero phyto
  • Rainwater management:

    A collection network incorporating silt and oil separators, retention basins or tanks to ensure that good quality water is discharged into the natural environment

    gouttes de pluie
  • Bank reinforcement:

    Bank reinforcement using an ecological process (rot-proof acacia wood piles, natural coconut netting, wood bundles, infertile soil)

    images bois
aeroport montpellier developpement durable
aeroport montpellier developpement durable

Since 2001, the airport has been taking samples of marine sediment upstream and downstream of rainwater treatment works. These measurements are taken every 5 years for the following parameters: heavy metals, hydrocarbons, PCBs and tributyltin. There has been an overall improvement in the water leaving the platform compared with that analysed at the inlet, as well as an improvement over the years.

Managing waste 

Every day, the airport platform produces a wide range of waste.

In order to improve the sorting and recycling of this waste, the airport has set up : 

  • Local collection points for companies that produce waste:

    Paper and cardboard, wood, reusable pallets, bulky items, scrap metal, glass, bio-waste, etc.

    point proximité collecte dechets
  • Waste sorting more specifically dedicated to passengers in the terminal:

    Packaging such as plastic bottles, cans, paper and cardboard, etc.

    poubelles tri
  • Hazardous waste sorting for SA AMM:

    Electrical and electronic waste (screens, computers, light bulbs, batteries, etc.) as well as oil, tyres, oil filters, soiled rags and packaging, batteries and accumulators.

    poubelle déchets dangereux

What’s more, every year Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport collects many items found or abandoned by passengers. At the end of the storage period, the airport donates these items to local associations. 

AMM's actions in favor of sustainable development

  • Installation of a silt storage unit downstream of the aircraft parking areas in 2009
    Installation of a silt storage unit downstream of the aircraft parking areas in 2009
  • Rainwater retention basin
    Rainwater retention basin
  • Sediment sampling
    Sediment sampling
  • Faucons crécerelles
    Faucons crécerelles ©V. LIEBAULT BIOTOPE
Discover Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport

To go further

  • Social commitment

    Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport’s social commitments for a healthy and pleasant work environment.

  • Societal commitment

    Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport acts daily as a development tool for the region, serving its inhabitants and businesses.

  • Customer focus

    Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport places the customer at the center of its considerations and concerns through an optimized organization.

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