INFO : renovations are scheduled by the electricity network concessionaire near Montpellier Méditerranée Airport. We invite you to anticipate your arrival. 

Click here for more information.

Customer focus

Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport places the customer at the center of its considerations and concerns through an optimized organization. 

homme de dos devant porte embarquement

As part of its CSR approach, Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport places the customer at the center of its concerns, while also prioritizing safety and security issues.

cliente au salon avec hôtesse

Passenger Satisfaction

The airport's mission is to maintain, develop, and optimize its airport facilities and associated services, ensuring passengers travel under the best possible conditions.

To achieve this, satisfaction surveys are periodically conducted with departing and arriving passengers.

Some key figures:

  • Satisfaction score > 8/10 for both departures and arrivals.
postes de contrôle sureté

Security and Safety

Safety and security are critical priorities for our airport. The goal is to prevent incidents, accidents, or criminal acts targeting passengers or aircraft.


A set of regulatory measures and inspections are implemented to ensure the safety and security of operations and flights on the platform, covering passengers, baggage, and staff.


Additionally, real-time risk analyses and field reports are conducted to quickly identify threats and implement appropriate measures.

Airport Safety

Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport has held European certification since October 2017, complying with the regulatory requirements set by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).


The oversight of compliance with these regulations and the maintenance of the certification are ensured by the Directorate of Civil Aviation Safety (DSAC), particularly through regular audits.


The airport’s safety management system is based on five key pillars:

  • Safety policy and objectives
  • Risk management
  • Safety maintenance
  • Safety promotion
  • Regulatory compliance monitoring** (internal audits and daily oversight of conformity)


Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport's primary goal is to maintain a high level of safety in both the Airside Zone and the Landside Zone (management of obstacles, drones, etc.), ensuring that aircraft can operate safely on the platform.

Implementing an Optimized Organization

In line with its CSR approach, the airport places environmental concerns at the forefront.

To achieve this, the airport has put in place an optimized organization, which has been audited and recognized by external bodies for over 10 years:

  • Quality: ISO 9001:2015 certified by AFNOR.
  • Environment: ISO 14001:2015 certified by AFNOR / ACA Level 3 by WSP.
  • Health and Safety at Work: ISO 45001:2018 certified by AFNOR.
  • Airport Security: Certified according to EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) by DSAC.
  • Security: Security Program validated by DSAC.

To go further

Certificate AFNOR Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport
pdf 369.95 KB
Certificate ACA Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport
pdf 1.51 MB
Discover Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport

To go further

  • ACA Program

    Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport is fully committed to Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA), a European program demanding certification for managing our carbon footprint.

  • Sustainable development

    Everything about Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport’s commitment to sustainable development and the fight against all forms of pollution.

  • Societal commitment

    Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport acts daily as a development tool for the region, serving its inhabitants and businesses.

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