Sustainable development
Everything about Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport’s commitment to sustainable development and the fight against all forms of pollution.
Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport acts daily as a development tool for the region, serving its inhabitants and businesses.
Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport (AMM) acts daily as a tool for economic development and regional planning, serving its residents and businesses.
It connects our region to the rest of the world and also plays a major role in terms of planning, quality of life, and economic and social development.
The airport contributes to commercial exchanges between the Montpellier region, other French regions, and internationally.
In addition to air connections, AMM develops certain areas of the platform under its management, offering premises, land, and opportunities to businesses wishing to establish themselves there. The companies located in the airport zone directly create jobs and wealth at the local level.
Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport is committed to incorporating the concept of total cost into its purchasing decisions. This involves strong and precise environmental requirements and, whenever possible, a focus on social responsibility.
As a local stakeholder, Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport is committed to supporting organizations and projects that positively impact the community.
The airport is a partner or sponsor of major regional sports clubs (MHB, MHR, MHSC, BLMA...), events such as the Arabesques Festival, the Palmarosa Festival, the WAT Festival, and institutions like the Montpellier Regional Cancer Institute (ICM), the Cercle Mozart, and the Maison de la Gendarmerie Foundation. Through these partnerships, AMM promotes the activities of these organizations based on their contribution to the public interest and the well-being of the region and its population.
Everything about Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport’s commitment to sustainable development and the fight against all forms of pollution.
Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport’s social commitments for a healthy and pleasant work environment.
Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport places the customer at the center of its considerations and concerns through an optimized organization.