INFO : renovations are scheduled by the electricity network concessionaire near Montpellier Méditerranée Airport. We invite you to anticipate your arrival. 

Click here for more information.

Badge Office

Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport helps you process your request for badges granting access to the airside sector. 

badge rouge de l'aéroport de montpellier

Application for authorisation to operate

Applications for activity permits and badges (Airport Traffic Permits)

For any request for authorisation to operate and and a badge procedure at Montpellier Méditerranée Airport, follow the procedure below :

1. Your client must send a certificate (document AA4)

You must apply for an activity permit from the Badge Office, by sending to the following email address : the AA1, AA2, AA4 documents and your Kbis extract. You will find these forms for download below :

Documents to be sent for all applications for activity authorisation and badge

Application for an Activity Authorization - Document AA1
pdf 92.49 KB
Designation of Security Correspondent - Document AA2
pdf 758.74 KB
Certificate of Marketing Authorization Manager - Document AA4
pdf 479.34 KB
USER Contractor Certificate - Document AA5
pdf 378.54 KB

Badge price list

Badge price list as of 26 July 2021
pdf 98.28 KB

2. Upon receipt of your complete application, the Badge Office will inform the national STITCH server.

Aux personnes que vous avez désignés sur le document AA2, le STITCH transmet par mail les identifiants et mot de passe temporaire ; les destinataires pourront accéder nominativement au même portail STITCH afin d'effectuer les demandes de badges et leurs suivis.

STITCH portal   STITCH tutorials


3. Tracking badge requests.

Badge requests submitted to the Badge Office, via your STITCH portal, are checked so that complete and compliant applications are sent to the SCE (DSAC and Prefecture) for instruction.

The badge is made as soon as the Prefecture has validated the request; your STITCH portal will update within 24 hours.

Note : STITCH does not issue any notifications, so you should check the portal regularly.


4. Badge collection.

The issuance of the badge is subject to the presentation of certificates in the process of validating mandatory training.

Below are the documents to be presented for any withdrawal.

These collections are made at the Badge Office in the Arrivals Hall.


Documents to be submitted for any TCA withdrawal
pdf 423.73 KB
Regulatory reference (Prefectural Decree)
pdf 1.97 MB

Airside and ZD access authorisation request form

For personnel who do not have an airport traffic permit and require unescorted airside access outside the PCZSAR, download the document below.


Airside and ZD access authorisation request form
pdf 424.2 KB

Obtaining airside driving licences

For personnel with an airside driving authorisation, download the document below.

Obtaining airside driving licences, compulsory documents
pdf 156.58 KB

Application form for Vehicle Pass (LPV)

Green badge request

For staff who do not have an airport travel permit and require access by PCZSAR with escort, download the operating procedure below.

Green badge request procedure
pdf 413.49 KB
1.1 Green badge escort certificate
pdf 15.51 KB

Rainbow badge request

For staff holding a valid airport travel permit at another airport requiring a temporary badge at Montpellier Méditerranée Airport, download the document below.

Temporary vehicle licensing permits (Rainbow badges)
pdf 303.75 KB


Jean-François ANTUNES
Badge Management and Security Quality Control
CS 10001
Tél. : 04 67 20 85 16

Ouverture Bureau des badges : Lundi, Mardi, Jeudi, Vendredi de 9h à 12h

Bureau des badges Aéroport de Montpellier
Discover Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport

To go further

  • Setting up at the airport

    Do you have a retail or service project and wish to set up in the terminal or the airport zone? Let’s discuss.

    Implantation aéroport de Montpellier
  • Advertising management

    Contact us to display advertising messages in dedicated spaces, located inside or outside the airport infrastructure.

    Affichage promotionnel Aéroport de Montpellier
  • Extra aeronautical fees

    Consult the extra aeronautical services offered and the associated rate schedule at Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport.

    Zone aéroportuaire MPL
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