INFO : renovations are scheduled by the electricity network concessionaire near Montpellier Méditerranée Airport. We invite you to anticipate your arrival. 

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Travelling with a pet

It’s possible to fly with your pet, but their trip must be carefully prepared. Here are some tips to ensure they travel in the best conditions. 

chien avec lunettes de soleil dans un aéroport
Anticipating for the good of your pet

In the cabin or in the hold ?

In the cabin

  • Only small animals are allowed in the cabin.
  • Some airlines do not accept any animals.
  • The maximum weight authorised in the cabin varies according to the airline. It is therefore advisable to check with the airline in question.

In the hold

Above the maximum cabin weight, your pet will have to travel in the hold.

  • The hold is a ventilated, pressurised and heated area. Your pet's cage will be secured there so that it remains stable.

Plan ahead before travelling

When you buy your ticket, make sure you tell your airline or travel agent that you will be travelling with your pet. Some airlines limit the number of pets allowed on a flight.

Call your airline at least 72 hours before the flight to confirm that your pet will be travelling with you.
Your pet's health record must be up to date, so don't forget to take it with you.

Which carrier should I use on the plane ?

For your pet's comfort during the journey, the transport cage must be airy and allow your pet to turn around.

Your cage must :

  • Be approved and resistant to falls.
  • Have metal fastenings. 
  • Not be padlocked (for safety reasons).
  • Bear your pet's name, tattoo number, your name, telephone number and address.

Practical information

  • Guide dogs

    Guide dogs for people with motor or sensory disabilities may be admitted to the aircraft cabin. Since 26 July 2008, guide dogs have been accepted in the cabin on flights departing from European Union airports and on flights departing from non-EU countries to the EU, provided that the transporter is an EU country carrier.

  • Animals other than dogs or cats

    If you wish to travel with small birds (parakeets, canaries, etc.), please contact your airline directly.

    Small rodents (hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc.) are not generally allowed on board.

  • Flights with stopovers
    • Keep the number of stopovers to a minimum.
    • If you are travelling with several airlines, check that all of them apply the same rules regarding the maximum weight of the animal authorised in the cabin.
    • If you have a stopover with a change of aircraft, check that the second aircraft can take your pet.
  • Travelling outside France

    Contact the consulate of your destination country for information on the documents required for your pet to enter the country (vaccinations, specific certificate, and any quarantines or restrictions).

Make your trip easier!

To go further

  • Passenger rights

    A diverted, canceled, or delayed flight? Denied boarding? Consult your rights as an air passenger.

  • Minor travelers

    All the steps to prepare for your child’s journey departing from Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport.

  • Medical advice

    Advice and information on health requirements, medical assistance, and vaccinations required depending on your destination.

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