INFO : renovations are scheduled by the electricity network concessionaire near Montpellier Méditerranée Airport. We invite you to anticipate your arrival. 

Click here for more information.

Travel formalities

For peace of mind, plan ahead by checking essential formalities: passports, visas, residence permits, and country-specific requirements. 

passeport sur une feuille avec un avion dessiné
Anticipate your trip

Administrative formalities

Identity cards and passports

Check the validity of your identity card

  • A valid identity card is required for travel within the EU and Switzerland.
  • Since January 1, 2014, the validity of identity cards has increased from 10 to 15 years. The validity date on your card will remain unchanged. You may therefore need to travel with an ID card that has been out of date for less than 5 years. For more information on this subject, please consult the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

Check the validity of your passport

A valid passport is required for travel outside the EU and Switzerland. We invite you to consult the Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés (ANTS) or contact your prefecture in good time to renew your passport.

For further information, contact the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, your airline, travel agency, tour operator or the relevant authorities.

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website  

Check the validity of your passport 

A valid passport is required for travel outside the EU and Switzerland. Please consult the Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés (ANTS) or contact your prefecture in good time to renew your passport. 

For more information, contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, your airline, travel agency, tour operator or the relevant authorities. 

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website 

Tips and Tricks

Photocopy or scan your documents to make it easier for you to apply abroad if you lose them (e-mail yourself the scan or keep your photocopies separate from your originals), and remember to bring at least 2 passport photos.

Entry and residence formalities

To prepare for your stay abroad, you need to check entry and residence formalities with the embassy or consulate of your destination country: passport or national identity card? Is a visa required? 
Find all the information you need on the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website  

Further information

  • Authorization to leave the country for minors

    Since January 15, 2017, authorization to leave the country has been mandatory for children traveling without their parents. A minor child living in France who travels abroad alone or unaccompanied by a person with parental authority must have an authorization to leave the territory (AST). This is a form drawn up and signed by a parent (or legal guardian). The form must be accompanied by a photocopy of the signing parent's identity document.

    To find out all you need to know about authorization to leave the country, visit the official French government website

    Site Service Public

Ariane, for your safety, stay connected!

The Ariane portal enables French travelers who so wish to communicate data relating to their trips abroad.


  • In a crisis situation, to register French nationals declared to be present in the affected area,
  • Inform French nationals by calling them directly or sending them an SMS,
  • Contact the person designated by the user as the contact person in France to be notified in the event of an emergency.

Portail Ariane

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Prepare your trip

  • Luggage

    Properly preparing your hand and checked luggage is an important step before your trip. Knowing the best practices is essential.

  • Check-in

    All the information you need to check in at the airport or complete online check-in.

  • Security checks

    Everything you need to know about security checks for a stress-free departure from Montpellier.

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